Tuesday, October 27, 2009

bad little blogger

my first week of blogging and already i am behind! but to be fair, i have been tres busy. i hopped across the water to vancouver for a short visit with megara, some family time with my little cousins, and some ikea time with my madre.

ikea is so wonderful. it never shocks me to hear that people spend whole weeks days in there. i walk around and dream that i have thousands of dollars to spend in that place. fortunately for my credit card, i resisted the urge to purchase everything in sight just because it's cute. also wonderful? megara! we went on a rainy day adventure to try and re-claim a chair she left in her pre-marital apartment. we were unsuccessful. then we went to H&M for snazzy new outfits. we were very successful.

yesterday was crazy hectic - it was my mom's birthday (yay, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear momma, happy birthday to you!) and the car got a flat tire. after a journey across town, the tire was repaired. 2 hours later the battery died. i think the car is having a breakdown. that, or H1NI. too soon for H1N1 jokes? perhaps. then i had the most romantic dinner with b2 ever. he is the best - cooked me a full salmon dinner with wine and chocolate cake dessert. so wonderful.

the agenda for this week:
finish school applications
send honours thesis to CR-FAIR
plan the ultimate halloween party with katieb23
enjoy the ultimate halloween party with katieb23
repair my bike
spend some quality time with bailey building and loan
run four times
set up new kitchen table
bake something i have never tried before

till next time!

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