Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lessons learned over a quarter of a century…

My 25th birthday is here. Scary, right? But I have decided to honor the occasion by reflecting on ten lessons learned over the course of a quarter of a century…here we go!

1. No matter the occasion, it is never OK to drink an entire bottle of champagne. Trust me. The next day is killer, especially if you have committed to attending an Easter Ice Capades show with your Nana and Papa. Constantly explaining why you have to sprint out of the arena to vomit is bad enough - smelling like that vomit in front of children for the remainder of the show? Not cool man, not cool.

2. Backing up and saving multiple copies of your thesis or dissertation is basically saving yourself from jumping off a bridge. I will never forget losing 20 pages worth of work a week before I was to submit my paper to my supervisor – ouch.

3. Never be afraid to tell someone what you are really feeling. I have spent a significant amount of time throughout my life rephrasing or avoiding conversations I have deemed ‘uncomfortable’. It saves everyone involved a great deal of energy and time to just stop worrying what other people will think, and say what’s on your mind.

4. Nothing is better than a kiss to the forehead.

5. Always do what you love. You’ve heard it before, but life is short. Follow your heart, do what makes you most happy, and you can never go wrong.

6. Tickle fights are still ridiculously fun at 25.

7. Chanel never goes out of style.

8. Wear a GD helmet when you ride your bike.

9. You know your friends are your family when: 1. They yell ‘Go time’ in preparation of defending your honor, or your ass in a fight; 2. They stick their finger down your throat to help you throw up; 3. They tell you when your being an melodramatic fool; 4. They dance to spice girls with you; 5. They will do anything for you, at anytime.

10. Love is all you need.

1 comment:

  1. ah! obviously you are now being followed by me - i love your frank honesty and how every post is infused with "gill-ness"
    i MISS YOU!!!!
    xo meg
