one time i went to france...actually that is a lie...i have been to france 3 times in my relatively short existence (i am one lucky gal).
i ate croissants and drank wine straight from the bottle below the eiffel tower in a sophisticated manner.
i strolled along the champs-elysee and spoke bad french.
i giggled with some of my best girl friends in the entire world when a german boy wanted to marry my friend katie.
and i corresponded with my parents via email at a crappy internet cafe that promised the cheapest rates in town. that crappy internet cafe had the worst keyboards i have ever used. keys were missing, or stuck and wouldn't work. and i am pretty sure the board itself was manufactured in russia (hello language barrier).
why does this matter? because, le sigh, my old and crappy (inspiring?) laptop has now started to give out...again. but this time it is the keys that are starting to backspace button seems to be broken and in order for me to correct the plethora of mistakes i make while typing, i need to use my touchpad mouse to highlight the error and then delete it. my laptop is challenging that internet cafe for worst keyboard in the world. i know this seems like the stupidest of complaints, and in the grand scheme of life who the frigg cares about my stupid backspace button. but alas, i care about my backspace button. mainly because this blog entry took me 3 years to complete (*future blog post idea side ability to over exaggerate).
RIP dead keyboard. RIP.
the coolest keyboard in the world image from here
Honey I hear you. Well not about the keyboard. The crappy computer part. Mine is finally being replaced after 2 years of it not working. It think that in total I've had that computer to use for about, oh, 1 freaking year.