Wednesday, March 3, 2010

sicky mcgee

blah! these past few days i have been cuddled up on my futon, with kleenex in hand and the trashy television shows of daytime to entertain me.

i have...the common cold.

i hate you common cold.

according to the most reliable source on the internet wikipedia, the common cold is the most frequent infectious disease in humans - and i believe it (mainly because i believe everything the wikipedia gods tell me).

so phooey on you common cold! i will defeat you....with my naps, closed curtains, OJ and Ginger Ale home remedy, and trashy daytime TV!

image from here


  1. just found your blog, it's lovely! you have a new follower :D

    hope you feel better soon!

  2. The common cold is the absolute worst. I have it right now. I hope you are feeling better by now. Love the blog :)
